Home NewsNews Center3.6 million t/a Tamping Coke Project Commencement Ceremony
3.6 million t/a Tamping Coke Project Commencement Ceremony
release time:2025年01月13日

Recently, the No.2 coke oven of Xilaifeng 3.6 million t/a tamping coke project of CHN ENERGY undertaken by MCC5 was successfully commenced.

The project is the first among 23 key chemical projects landed by CHN ENERGY in 2023, and is also a major project of MCC in 2024. MCC5 is mainly responsible for the civil, masonry and installation works of the coke ovens (No.1 and No.2 coke ovens) and ancillary facilities in phase I.

The project adopts extra-large mastication coke-making technology that independently researched and developed in China, which aims to build the world's most advanced third-generation 6.78-metre mastication coke ovens with the highest charring chamber, the largest coke production per hole, the lowest pollutant emission, the most modern technology and process, and the most advanced intelligent equipment, as well as the ancillary construction of 260-tonne dry quenching coke quenching facilities. The coke oven is controlled by DCS system remotely, which makes the coke oven chained with four cars, and the operation of coke discharge, tamping and coal loading is completed by pushing one button only, realizing unmanned operation on site.


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